Big Brother for a Thursday, 8-23: Frank Is Doomed and Ian Doesn't Like Pulling the Trigger

The Thursday Big Brother recap ges through the usual back story.  Is it me or does Ian not have a great poker face?  But since no one knows or suspects him, he's not looking guilty. 

So now Boogie and Jenn are on the bubble, and Boogie is still being hoodwinked by Ian and he's outwardly ticked at Dan.  Boogie is doomed while he calls Shane "Dan's bitch."  Dan quietly sits back and lets it fly.

Instead of politicking, Boogie is raging in his own special way.  I could have sworn he'd put up a better fight than this.

Jenn is fired up about being on the block.

As they gang is collected for the vote, Julie lets the gang know there will be a second eviction within the hour.  It will be a quick "week!"

Boogie is evicted from the Big Brother house, and he handled it brilliantly.  Especially during the taped farewells.  Britney did a hilarious mimic of Mike on his hand/finger phone.  Ian fessed up in his speech, saying he learned from the best.  Mike laughed, and tipped his hat to the monitor for all the taped farewells.

That was one of the better player exits I've ever seen in the game.  Leave it to Mike Boogie to make a clean break.

Next battle, the Big Brother HoH contest.  It's the before or after contest.  It came down to Danielle and Ian.  Ian wins HoH.  (My guess is that Shane is going up and going out.)

Ian makes a quick deal and then nominates Frank and Ashley.  Ian then gets pretty wishy-washy and gets very apologetic.  Man up Ian, this is the game you've studied and should be prepared for.

Now for, up next, the Veto Competition.

THIS is the time for Frank to perform, but he's already won the last three he's been in.  Will the momentum continue or...

It s a run up a slop and find two small items in a bin of yellow balls.  This is a game of luck and how the clovers (small items) were buried in the bin of yellow balls.

FRANK found BOTH clovers and DID IT AGAIN!  That's four times in a row that Frank pulls it out of the fire!  Ya gotta love it!

Frank pulls himself off the eviction block and Ian puts up Joe against Ashley.  But Frank is alone in this house.  He's too brash and forward to smoothly effect some change of minds.

Ashley struggled with her speech, but admitted, she's not verbally articulate.  LOL.

Then the vote and Ashley heads out the door by a vote of 5 to 1.  And Frank is truly alone in the house.

The closing clips of the show shows Frank steaming and venting verbally.  He's probably already doomed, but he seems to be sealing his fate.  We'll see, come Sunday's episode of Big Brother.
