The Big Brother episode that aired on Sunday, July 28th, started out by reminding us that Kaitlin was evicted and Aaryn is HoH. Ug. Also that Helen made a deal with Aaryn that if she were to become HoH, to put up Howard and Spencer.
Jessie is now kissing Aaryn's butt.
Howard and Candice: Candice knows about the deal between Helen and Aaryn.
Aaryn told Helen that Elissa leaked the plan and that's why everyone knows. All the while, she continues to spout her adherence to the plan she agreed to. And oddly, no one asked Elissa about if she actually leaked the info.
While Aaryn was showing off her new HoH room, she used the term "aksed" in place of asked... and then told Candice, "Oh my god, you got me saying aksed." Candice isn't sure she can last the week.
We watched a tub scene with McCrae ("I make $136 every two weeks") and Amanda, and they're throwing around the "L" word! Seriously! They both said "I love you" to each other.
Spencer pitches a new angle to Aaryn, Aaryn defends her game deals.
(At this point in the show, it looks like she may actually stick to her word. I'm a bit surprised. For the moment.)
The Have/Have Not competition was announced by Poppy Montgomery.
The first part was a balancing stunt, where the teams pull things off of shelves and balance them on a table.
The 2nd part was to put everything back where they got them from. Ug!
Green team... GinaMarie, Candice, Amanda, and Judd ended up becoming Have Nots for the week.
CBS shares with us how Elissa breaks out in Yoga practice where ever she is.
Candice tries to talk to Aaryn to save Howard. Aaryn let's us know that she just turns off Candice because she's not part of her world.
Then Candice seemed to get upset about what she just tried put a target on her back and she more or less told Howard she's not talking any more, "...have a nice life."
It's nomination time... what does Aaryn do?
Elissa looked confused when she found out she was safe.
And in the end, Aaryn kept her promise and put up Howard and Spencer.
I'm surprised.
But who will America put up as the third nominee this week? Therein, lies the question.
-BeS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jessie is now kissing Aaryn's butt.
Howard and Candice: Candice knows about the deal between Helen and Aaryn.
Aaryn told Helen that Elissa leaked the plan and that's why everyone knows. All the while, she continues to spout her adherence to the plan she agreed to. And oddly, no one asked Elissa about if she actually leaked the info.
While Aaryn was showing off her new HoH room, she used the term "aksed" in place of asked... and then told Candice, "Oh my god, you got me saying aksed." Candice isn't sure she can last the week.
We watched a tub scene with McCrae ("I make $136 every two weeks") and Amanda, and they're throwing around the "L" word! Seriously! They both said "I love you" to each other.
Spencer pitches a new angle to Aaryn, Aaryn defends her game deals.
(At this point in the show, it looks like she may actually stick to her word. I'm a bit surprised. For the moment.)
The Have/Have Not competition was announced by Poppy Montgomery.
The first part was a balancing stunt, where the teams pull things off of shelves and balance them on a table.
The 2nd part was to put everything back where they got them from. Ug!
Green team... GinaMarie, Candice, Amanda, and Judd ended up becoming Have Nots for the week.
CBS shares with us how Elissa breaks out in Yoga practice where ever she is.
Candice tries to talk to Aaryn to save Howard. Aaryn let's us know that she just turns off Candice because she's not part of her world.
Then Candice seemed to get upset about what she just tried put a target on her back and she more or less told Howard she's not talking any more, "...have a nice life."
It's nomination time... what does Aaryn do?
Elissa looked confused when she found out she was safe.
And in the end, Aaryn kept her promise and put up Howard and Spencer.
I'm surprised.
But who will America put up as the third nominee this week? Therein, lies the question.
-BeS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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