Latino Review has printed a scoop they dug up on my Ben Kingsley has been seen on the set at Avengers: Age of Ultron!
A while back I saw a piece that Kingsley was on the set and I was wondering what was up with that? I mean Shane Black already destroyed the rich history of who or what the Mandarin was to Tony Stark. What else could they do? (What Black did was akin to making Lex Luthor a homeless character in a Superman movie.) That is, besides Disney marketing the living crap out of the movie and giving away all the great surprise spots?
So despite my not trusting Shane Black ever again, I was curious.
Now Latino Review is reporting an exclusive inside story that Ben Kingsley is not in the next Avengers film (Which I was secretly hoping he would, after revealing he truly was the Mandarin.), but rather, that he's filming one of those shorts that Marvel likes to do.
You see, I've been secretly hoping that when Trevor (Kingsley) was captured in Iron Man 3, that it was truly still the Mandarin, faking it big time, in hopes of lying low under the radar.
But I think what LR is reporting is even better.
Marvel realized they upset the long time fans of the Iron Man franchise. (No s! Sherlock!) So now they're cleaning up Shane Black's mess and is reporting that
"Marvel wants to make it up to fans so in the one shot, the REAL Mandarin is furious with Aldrich Killian and Ben Kingsley’s character Trevor Slattery for the mockery they made of the real Mandarin’s identity and legacy. The real Mandarin wants to set the record straight."
That would be nice Marvel.
But to be truly reflective upon the scenario, they completely wasted Ben Kingsley as Trevor when he could have played a wonderful Mandarin.
As it is, that means we have to keep an eye out now for any casting calls from Marvel/Disney as they might now be casting themselves a Mandarin. Or not, and just keep him out of lens-shot for the short.
But be it as it may, it's nice they're doing this. If this is accurate/true. But to be honest, I'm surprised that Marvel and joss Whedon actually let Black do this to the Mandarin in the first place.
Sure, they like mixing things up and they've done a great job of it... mostly. But this was one of those things you don't mess with. ""You don't tug on Superman's cape, You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that ol' Lone Ranger;And you don't mess around with Jim."" Now they need to add you don't f*! with the Mandarin's history to that song quote.
Yay... there just might be some justice in the world yet!!!
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