Walt Disney Co has made a deal with Netflix for five internet TV events for Marvel TV. The only catch, if you didn't already catch it, is that it will be on "internet TV." OR streaming content.
The characters that will receive this treatment include Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage. The fifth title will be a multi-hero event or miniseries called The Defenders.
On top of that news, today, it was announced that Drew Goddard (Cabin in the Woods) will take the reigns of the Daredevil series.
This is a great time to be a comic book genre fan.
Characters you've read for years are coming to life on the silver and small screens like never before, and being done right.
In the old era, if someone made a comic book movie, it was either taken seriously, but with no money behind it, or the creative forces behind a project were too worried to attempt a serious battle of costumed entities.
That is until Christopher Nolan came along and put a proper and serious production together, proving that the movie fan will spend millions upon millions to see the finished Dark Knight product.
And then Jon Favreau showed that a Marvel product (Iron Man) could be done well, and done right.
And from there, it's pure bliss for comic fans everywhere.
With that said, the above Marvel / Netflix products will be coming out sometime in 2015 or 2016. Production is slated to commence in 2015.
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