Godzilla: Awakening is a graphic novel prequel I gave you guys a heads up about back in late January.
The graphic novel (yes, smart looking term for comic book) documents events that take place TEN YEARS before events in the movie. It will be a bit of "historical info" about the world you will see when you go watch the movie.
The book is due out on May 7th, while the movie opens on May 16th, so you don't have a ton of time to pick up and digest the contents.
It's been my experience that prequel graphic novels, when done right or well, actually do add to a story line you are watching in the theater. For instance, the movie RED. You might be watching a scene and two characters might reference a past mission. If you checked out the prequel novels, you know exactly what they're talking about and what went down, making that one snippet in the movie have much more meaning.
So if you're a Godzilla fan, I'd say go for it!
(On Amazon, in hardcover and/or Kindle: Godzilla: Awakening (Legendary Comics) )
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