NCIS: ‘In Memory Of Julio Villamariona Garcia’ Closing Credit

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A reader left me a message asking about a closing credit in the latest NCIS episode that indicated “In Memory of Julio Villamariona Garcia.”

Julio Villamariona Garcia was a security guard on the Los Angeles (Santa Clarita) set of NCIS.  Mr. Garcia was hit by a production vehicle and killed outside a vacant building that he was watching over.  This building was, from what I can tell, to be a staging area.

Mr. Garcia was hit by a vehicle driven by a Ralph Blunt.  He apparently lost control when an "unspecified medical condition" kicked in.  He hit Mr. Garcia and a few other parked cars.

In a statement the producers οf NCIS ѕаіԁ:

“AƖƖ аt thе network, thе studio аnԁ NCIS іѕ devastated bу thе news. Oυr hearts grieve fοr hіѕ family аnԁ friends fοr this tragic loss. Wе аrе, οf course, cooperating wіth thе community authorities іn Santa Clarita tο hеƖр determine what caused this tеrrіbƖе accident.” Anԁ added “Wіth profound sympathy wе grieve the tragic passing οf ουr co-worker аnԁ friend. ‘NCIS’ іѕ a family. Anԁ, аѕ wіth аnу family, wе аrе deeply saddened bу thіѕ unexpected loss. Oυr thoughts аnԁ prayers ɡο out tο hіѕ Ɩονеԁ ones.”

That was was in 2011.

Later, in 2014, news in the issue indicated that CBS was already looking to pay $450k, but a latter lawsuit was looking for $10.45M in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Our thoughts go out to his family, friends and peers.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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  1. Why would you call them an asshat they were just saying that the studio was trying to the right thing however the family wants to screw over the studio

    1. I think the man's life is worth more than 450k. The family should be getting a payment in the millions.

  2. There in no price on a human life. The family should be taken care of to show integrity.


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