THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Who Was Andre Perreault?


At the end of the season finale of The Vampire Diaries, we saw a tribute reading,

In Loving Memory of Andre Perreault 1953 - 2015

Andre Perreault passed away after figthing that nasty entity called cancer.  He was a sound mixer (Sound Re-Recording Mixer) for both The Diaries and The Originals. But these weren't the only shows he contributed his talents to.

On TV he also contributed his sound skills to Low Winter Sun, Family Tools, Hannibal, The Following, Army Wives, a few of the Criminal Minds shows, Monk, Hung, Harper's Island, and many, many more. He contributed his talent to 74 different television titles.

He also worked on 36 different movies.

Our thoughts go out to his family, friends and peers.

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  1. Rest In Peace Andre Perreault,
    You where wonderful, thanks for the beautiful music you made for The Originaliteit and The Vampire Diaries!
    We will miss you...

  2. Rest In Peace Andre Perreault. You did a great job.

  3. Your music on Diaries was engaging, moving and inspiring. Rest in peace and comfort to your family.

  4. Rest in peace may we cherish the memories of you and the beautiful, inspiring, touching music that was created by the best person to create sounds. we will miss you, forever and always. I hope you have a amazing journey as it has not ended just yet. we all miss and love you goodbye, from your biggest fan :D

  5. rip and thank you for making the TVD series and the originals the best series ever

  6. may he Rest In Peace. God Bless Him

  7. dearly may Andre rest in peace, he did a great role in the originals i loved it most

  8. i am so sorry for our lost. Rest in peace, sir. 💘

  9. Um jus watching the Originals over again and I cant help it but hear the mastery of Andre on the series... Rest in peace

  10. rest in peace we will always miss you!


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