ZOO Season Finale Review (What The Hell Was That?)

CBS summer series Zoo had its season finale. I ended up coming away from that last moment as WTH?


When Zoo premiered, I thought it was an interesting  premise but was not sure about it. The series cast included

James Wolk
Kristen Connolly
Nonso Anozie
Nora Arnezeder &
Billy Burke.

To be honest, it was a good cast and this was a first where I watched Billy Burke play someone who was not an ass-kicking hero. Instead, he was a desperate, divorced dad, who was more a punching bag than anything else.

The show held my respect up until that last episode, when they rushed to finish out the summer season, as if the writers weren't prepared to write it!

There will be light outline spoilers following suit here... unless you've read the book this show was based off of, written by James Patterson.


The first few episodes challenged my ability to lift belief but it grew on me as the team tackled various issues and I found myself looking forward to the show each week. (It helped that very little else was on.)

The season was winding down and in that next-to-last episode, things were looking up for humanity, until the airliner our heroes were on was attacked.

The season finale jumped ahead some period of time, and the cure was lost in the air crash.  But as the episode wore down, that last 15 to 20 minutes seemed like the producers went out on the street and asked some kids on the corner to try their hand at writing.

When Billy Burke's character stood up for the bartender and his dog, taking hit after hit, seemed like such a moot point. Why would the bartender show off this dog on the bar, obviously enticing any normal-minded humans who fear all animals. WHY?

Then the ending scenes, where the group finally manages to find each other once again, get together, realize they have a chance at curing the world, then finding themselves facing off against what looks like a collective of Disney animals, as the entire animal kingdom is stood there in the street, having managed to figure out that our heroes were in transit to save the world.

The episode ended with the animal hoard starting to rush our heroes in their truck. Flash to black.


The series was engaging, and probably worth some value of time, but the weak ending kind of killed it for me. (Kind of like when Syfy's Battlestar Galactica ended on such a crappy note.)

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