BATMAN v SUPERMAN Plot Spoilers From Zack Snyder

Let's Do The Disney Thing And Start Dropping Spoilers for Batman V Superman, right?

In a few interviews and such around the web, Snyder has been dropping notes here and there about some plot points from the upcoming Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (League) film, coming out in late March, 2016.

Since I fell upon them, I will now ruin your movie experience too with what some would consider to be movie spoilers!

You've been warned.  (Hmm, maybe I should create a DC-based spoilers warning...)

Snyder said that Lex (Remember, that's Alexander, not Lex Luthor) is fixated on metahumans and this fixation is related to Wonder Woman's appearance in the film.

Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman

He seems to think that Doomsday is the perfect foe for Batman and Superman... though in my mind, it must be a seriously toned down Doomsday, since the original killed a few heroes and Superman himself in his first appearance in the comics from the 90s.

And on the cast of other heroes, AKA, other Justice League figures in the film, these characters play very small roles in the film, as in, suggestions  of their existence. The characters mentioned are Flash, Aquaman and Cybord.

He says there is more value for the fans in focusing on just Bats and Supes and letting us know there's an entire (film) universe out there, waiting to be told.

(That value part, to me, sounds like value to the studio, but we're not complaining. Yet. Are we?)

With Aquaman's appearance, I saw a very early RUMOR that we see him in a video feed while being a captive of Lex Luthor.

With Cyborg, the RUMOR I saw there was that we may see that character before he becomes the metal crime-fighting machine.

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On another chatting point, if you remember, early on in the development of the DC Cinematic Universe, we had a Man of Steel 2 in the film schedule, but then it disappeared.

But then director Zack Snyder more or less said in an interview in late 2015 that Batman v Superman is pretty much our Man of Steel sequel.

My first thought, was that it did well but not well enough for WB/DC to have any faith in a second stand-alone film with Superman. For god's sake, it's not like we've seen enough versions of the character on film.

With an estimated budget $225M, it's pulled in over $650M at the worldwide box office.

And DVD/Blu-ray sales have added another $106M to the bucket of money.

But I guess they want more and need to take advantage of what films they have coming up before they stuff another solo-supes film in our face.

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With all the hype about Batman v Superman, I hope it's as good as we are all hoping it will be.  With Man of Steel, Christopher Nolan was involved with Zack Snyder. Now BvS is a solo Snyder project. It's not that I don't trust Snyder... teamed up with Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer as the screenplay writers... And Snyder's wife, Deborah Snyder, is a producer on the film.

I just don't want to set myself up for disappointment.

With that said, I am looking forward to it.

Psst: If there are any Stephanie Koenig fans out there, she will be playing a Day Care Teacher in the film. It's probably a fleeting glance of a role, but hey... right?

Check out my FB album of pics from the film

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