Singularity is one of those rare John Cusack starring films where it actually sucked and he did nothing to help it. In fact, he was part of the problem.
"In 2020, a super-computer deems humans the greatest threat to the planet and attacks mankind. Sixty-years later, a teenage boy finds himself lost in a world run by machines when he meets a female survivor searching for the last human stronghold. "
In this film robots are supposed to help make our lives better and when it got to the point of near perfection for humanity, then Elias Van Dorne (John Cusack), created a computer program called Kronos, who would save the planet. And it did, by wiping out all or most of humanity. (Can we say Skynet?)
The story jumps about 100 years and we find Andrew Davis (Julian Schaffner) waking up in a world he doesn't seem to recognize. (And why is he waking up now when we were watching him run from the original human decimation???) As he flounders about in a lame few scenes of dodging killer robots he encounters Calia (Jeannine Wacker), who tells him about a place north of where they are that is free of that nasty computer program Kronos and that is where she is headed.
Except, this boy doesn't know it, but he's a machine (Can we say Terminator Salvation?) sent by Kronos to find this city or sanctuary.
The film is painfully slow, with an elevator soundtrack running throughout the film, whether it's a walking scene or a fighting scene. The energy is about as bland as cup of warm water. Some would call this a b-movie, but I think that would be giving it more credit than it's worth. Cusack MUST have lost a bet or is desperate for work to be in this film.
This is director's Robert Kouba first feature length film, though, to be honest, this felt like one of the longest 92-minute films I have ever watched. and it borrowed heavily on Terminator Salvation's themes, but at least there, things made sense while story points and flow were not always making sense what-so-ever in this film.
I suffered through this movie for you I'll have you know!
If you ever have a choice between eating brussels sprouts, watching paint dry or watching this film, well, brussels sprouts are at least good for you!
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