The film is based on true events where two scuba divers find themselves accidentally stranded in shark infested waters after their tour boat leaves without them. (Whoopsie!)
The film is loosely based on the events experienced by Tom and Eileen Lonergan, who in 1998, were left out in the water near the Great Barrier Reef after their dive-boat crew failed to take an accurate headcount, never to be seen again. (Crap! Did I just spoil it for you?)
The film starts out watching a couple getting ready to go on a vacation, showing their last morning at home before hitting the road, then arriving at their vacation destination enjoying the beach, showing off bodies, which leads into the evening, where we get to see the female lead naked in all her glory, waiting for her man to come to bed.... (Well, that was quick and probably unnecessary, but art is art, right?)
And that's where we stopped watching Open Water...
The opening half-hour or so was fraught with lingering artistic scenes of close ups and moments in stillness, while events unfold so slowly that we couldn't take it any more. I was starting to presume that once they get stranded in open water, this slow-paced tension would have been perfect for the situation, but we'll never know.
But be it as it may, we were so bored by the pacing of the opening act that we chose to terminate our viewing experience. The plot for the film is a fascinating read, as is the account of the couple whom the film is based on.
We were either seriously not in the right mood the opening act pacing just sucked. And they made a sequel to this??? Just saying. But looking at the write up of the plot, it may have been a better film... maybe.
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