The movie focuses on Lance Corporal Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Lance Corporal Schofield (George MacKay), as they're assigned to deliver a message, but they have to travel over enemy lines to deliver it. While focusing on them, they encounter a few quick appearances by veteran actors such as Colin Firth, Mark Strong and Benedict Cumberbatch. But if you're fans of these three, I wouldn't charge out to see just them, because they have somewhat fleeting appearances, but none-the-less, their appearances are well done, making you want more, while adding to the air of quality to the film!
Sam Mendes, George MacKay, and Dean-Charles Chapman in 1917
All throughout the film we were subjected to the reality and horrors of war with minimal gore, which I appreciated from director (and story co-writer) Sam Mendes. Unless you count decomposing bodies on the battlefield as gore, but the camera does not linger on it for any kind of extra shock value. It just is what it is out there.
Throughout the film, we experienced the war through the eyes of two couriers, charged with the responsibility of getting a message to a platoon, in the Hope's of staging off a complete slaughter of several hundred men. Along the way, we experience how the real structure of command and war could have been then, mostly scary and disappointing while the soldiers are getting the job done.
Our couriers were more innocent, drafted young men than war hardened veterans looking to kill the enemy. But once put to the task, they did what must be done. Throughout the story the viewer is stunned by a little-spoken reality of war, while other expectations of war are fulfilled.
All in all, I was engaged and enjoyed the experience of watching 1917, which left me after the film, pondering the sad reality of the horrors of war.
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