SDCC News: GHOST RIDER, BATES MOTEL, THE 100, NOVA July 22, 2016 agents of shield bates motel comic-con marvel nova san diego comic-con the 100 The CW +
A&E Network News, HALLOWEEN Returns, HALO 5, PITCH PERFECT 3 June 16, 2015 a and e bates motel halloween halo pitch perfect series renewed show canceled +
TV news For The Week Ending Sun, 4-13-14 April 13, 2014 agents of shield bates motel fx game of thrones hbo olympus syfy the americans tnt +
2013 San Diego Comic-Con: A&E's "Bates Motel" Checks In at Comic-Con July 20th June 27, 2013 bates motel comic-con +