
Movies and TV Series coming out on DVD/BD Tues, 2-11-14

Did 'Thor' Take the Weekend Or Did 'Ender's Game' Hold the Fort?

'Ender's Game' Review

New Movies This Friday, Nov 1st; 'Ender's Game'

'Ender's Game' Collected Trailers and Clips

'Ender's Game' - Will You See It Despite the Controversy?

'Ender's Game' Final Movie Trailer (with Scenes Recycled From 'Knowing?')

'Ender's Game' Final Movie Poster and Trailer

'Ender's Game' Recruitment Video - Are You Ready to Join?

The 'Ender's Game' Controversy, Comic-Con, Trailer and Beyond

2013 San Diego Comic-Con: Movie Studios In Attendance

'Ender's Game' Unofficial Draft Character Movie Posters