DVD/BD Releases For Mar 27, 2018 (The Last Jedi, Legion.) March 26, 2018 dvd and blu-ray releases legion mr robot star wars the americans +
AVATAR, DEFENDERS, WALKING DEAD, TRANSFORMERS, And some TV News April 05, 2017 avatar legion michael bay netflix syfy terminator the defenders the expanse the walking dead transformers +
The Semi-Daily Static News: Inhumans, Legion, Reign, Star Trek and... December 21, 2016 fx jason bourne legion star trek syfy The CW the walking dead z nation +
Syfy Shows, Legends, Legion, Suicide Squad Spinoffs, MAYANS news! December 13, 2016 amc tv dark matter fx network humans killjoys legends of tomorrow legion rookie blue sons of anarchy Suicide Squad syfy The CW the mayans +
Cinema Static TV News: CBS, Sex, Santa Clarita, X-Men, Syfy, Z NATION December 07, 2016 cbs food network fx network legion netflix showtime syfy x-men z nation +