TV News from the Week Ending Sat 4-26-14 April 26, 2014 bet disney hbo longmire mtv + the killing bet disney hbo longmire mtv the killing
'The Killing' Cancelled by AMC... Again September 10, 2013 show canceled +0 the killing show canceled the killing
'The Killing' Season 3 Finale Review (No Spoilers) August 08, 2013 recap season finale +0 the killing recap season finale the killing
'The Killing' Season Three Finale is Two Hours Long This Sunday August 01, 2013 amc tv series finale +0 the killing amc tv series finale the killing
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News: Kyle Chandler, 'Hannibal,' 'The Killing,' 'Star Wars,' Jason Momoa... February 18, 2013 guardians of the galaxy hannibal +5 hugh laurie jason momoa kyle chandler peter dinklage star wars episode vii the killing the vatican x-men guardians of the galaxy hannibal hugh laurie jason momoa kyle chandler peter dinklage star wars episode vii the killing the vatican x-men
'The Killing' Is Officially Returning to AMC, w/ S3 Synopsis January 15, 2013 amc tv series renewed the killing +0 tv amc tv series renewed the killing tv